"Dear Sister," [online with audio], Academy of American Poets: Poem-A-Day, January 2025
"Brujitas," [print & online with audio], Poetry Magazine, December 2024
"The Inventor," [print], Los Angeles Review of Books Quarterly, no. 39, Fall 2023
"Carne Fría: A Love Story," [print & online] , Gravy Quarterly, Summer 2023
"Here in the Electric Dusk," [with audio], Split This Rock: A Social Justice Poetry Database, Poem of the Week, May 11, 2023
"January Space Station," Anacapa Review, Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2023.
"Oración", Chiricú Journal: Latina/o Literatures, Arts, and Cultures, Volume 7,. Number 1, [print], Fall 2022
"The Function of a Wing" [with audio], The Cortland Review-25th Anniversary issue, April 2022
"Night of Telescopes" [audio read by Terry Casburn & production and sound design by Kevin Seaman], Words in the Air, an immersive poetry experience, March 5, 2022
"I Have Been Dreaming of a Time Machine" [with audio], The Pedestal Magazine, issue 89, December 2021
"Thank you for Reminding Me," New England Review [print], vol. 42/no.3, November 2021
"Guise" + "I tell you yet again" [with audio], Big Enough for Words: Poems and Vintage Photographs from California's Central Coast, Gunpowder Press, October 2021
"Novena for Garden Street," "The Nearest Way," + "Sonnet for Mark," While You Wait: A Collection by Santa Barbara County Poets
Gunpowder Press, April 2021
"Corazón in Fall" [with audio], Terrain, Letter to America Series, November 2020
"Hoodwinked," Santa Barbara Literary Journal [print], Summer 2020
"The nearest way, "Leave the rest to me," + "What's done" [with audio],
The South Florida Poetry Journal, April 2020
"How We Lived," SWWIM, March 2020
"Sonnet for Mark," Verse Daily, April 2019 (Originally published in Spillway, Summer 2018)
“Night of Telescopes,” Zocalo Public Square, October 2019
“Sparrow” and “Birthday Poem,” Colorado Review [print], Summer 2019
“What Happens Next,” Miramar [print], 2018
“Fable of Frogs,” The Miami Rail, November/December 2017
“View from 18B,” The Los Angeles Review [print], Spring 2017
“Ricochet,” Zocalo Public Square, January 2017
"Winter Memoir," To Give Life A Shape: Poems Inspired by the Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Gunpowder Press, September 2017
“Lorca is Green,” Miramar [print], Fall 2016
“Decoy Gang War Victim,” Poet Lore [print], April 2015
Translations: "La minima prenda con que duermes" / "The slightest garment you sleep in"; "Déjà vu en una ciudad tan pequeña" / "Déjà vu in a city so small"; "No soy la sed" / "I am not the thirst." (Vladimir Amaya). "Sobreviviente delsilencio'/Surviving silence"; "Postales urbanas"/"Urban postcards"; "Álbum de niñas con abuela" / "Photo album of girlswith grandmother." (Susana Reyes). Teatro Bajo Mi Piel (Theatre Under My Skin), Kalina Press, San Salvador, February 2014
"Florida Poem," The Best American Poetry 2013, editors: Denise Duhamel + David Lehman, Scribner
“The Living Hour," "This Week," + "Florida Poem," [with audio], Terrain: A Journal of the Built and Natural Environments, May 2012.
"Country Dada Song," [video], at the inaugural O, Miami Poetry Festival, April 2011
“Letter to the Right,” The Rumpus, April 2011
“Autorretrato Quintina,” Poetry Society of America, November 2010
"How to Write a Poem: Theory #62," a video poem directed by Lee Anderson + produced by Clay 3 Media. Recorded by John Mahoney at Jefferson Park Sound. February 2009
Essay: "On Poetry & Community," Academy of American Poets, November 2022
Summer Reading Recs: Santa Barbara Independent, July 2022
Feature: "Homegrown Storytellers: Great Authors of the Caribbean," Disney Caribbean onboard magazine, Summer 2019 [print]
Book review: "M Train, by Patti Smith," the Miami Herald, November 2015
Book review: "The Nakeds," by Lisa Glatt, the Miami Herald, July 2015
Book review: "Cole Cohen's Head Case," the Miami Herald, May 2015
Essay: “On Cuba: 12 Notes at the Crossroads,” the Best American Poetry blog, December 2014
Feature: "Dunedin: City of Dreams," Seabourn Club Herald, July 2014
Art review: "Transcultural Pilgrim: Three Decades of Work by José Bedia," Palm Beach Arts Paper, July 2012
Micro essay: "Fear and Beauty in July, the Best American Poetry blog, July 2012
Essay: "Violet," Best of the Net, 2010